Mass Texting Debunked

Mass Texting Debunked

There are many myths that surround the act of mass business texting. There are far too many people who tell you that this practice is illegal, unethical, or immoral. This is simply not the truth of the matter. If you play your cards right, you can use texting to help your business reach a top level of success.

Mass Texting Has to Be Done Correctly

The first thing you should know about making use of a modern online mass texting service for your business is that the practice is completely legal. This is because all reputable modern text messaging services will be in compliance with the rules and regulations that have been set down by the FCC. The first rule that this agency enforces is that mass text messages can’t be sent randomly.

The FCC dictates that you need to have the people on your texting list consent to receive these messages before you can begin to send them. The way to do this will be to ask for this consent. You can do so by inviting people to text you with a special keyword. Once they do so, you can add them to your texting list.

Joining Your Text List Should Bring Rewards

It’s important to make sure that people know that they are getting on to your list by sending you the keyword. By doing so, they will receive certain special perks. For example, they will be the first to hear about new items that you have for sale. You can also fill them in on special closeouts or other promotions.

Joining your text message list can bring other kinds of benefits. For example, you may be able to entice more people to join by offering them a share in your rewards program. This can consist of special discounts that only people who use a special code word can receive. The code word can be transmitted via text.

SMS Texts Are More Popular Than Ever

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Contrary to what some so-called industry experts would have you believe, small business texting is actually more popular than ever. It is true that the FCC had to step in to regulate this industry. But once it did, the involuntary element of receiving texts was removed. Once people knew that they had a choice in the matter, they quickly came to prefer texting.

The reason is simple. Texting offers a quick and convenient way for a business owner to touch base with their audience. Because they have already consented to receive texts from you, you can safely assume they are interested. This means that they will quickly read the text and respond to the message you have sent.

Texting is the Effective Way to Advertise

The first thing that you need to know about mass text messaging is that it is the most cost-effective way to advertise. You don’t need to spend a penny to get started. Since texts flow over the internet rather than the phone system, there are no long-distance or other charges involved. Simply hit send, and out they go.

You can send a handful of text messages or several thousand at the same time. Within seconds, you will have reached your entire customer base. Once the texts are sent out, you can then stand by to measure the response. Studies have shown that this type of advertising is the one that people respond the fastest to.

As long as the people on your list have consented to be there, you will have no trouble getting good results from this method. A quick response is nearly always the case. As a result, it won’t take long to gauge how well the items you advertise are doing.

The Time to Text Your Public is Now

Mass texting is not a practice that is going out of style. On the contrary, this type of advertising is more effective and well-received than ever. Mass texting is an efficient and cost-effective way to reach a very large audience in a short amount of time. Making use of it can be the key to success for your new venture.